I'm Amarilys

A programmer in progress

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I am passionate about the logic you have to use to make computers run and also literature. A curious fact about me: I always read the terms and conditions in any application. I love the smell of almonds and really enjoy passion fruit juice.

My Skills.


Arduino Programming

Member of RUMblebots, where we design, manufacture, test, do programming and optimize combat robots. I specialize in the category of autonomous robots.


Web Development

I started the Web Development journey and so far I love it. I have the ambition to be able to carry out more projects in the future.


Java Advanced Programming

So far, I have worked in colaboration with the recreation of several video games such as: Minecraft, Frogger, Snake, Pac-Man, Zelda, Pokémon.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, concerns or simply want to talk about poetry and literature, feel free to contact me.

I'm looking forward to talk to you, just one email away.

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